Local Economic Development Planning; Downtown Revitalization; Commercial Expansion, Recruitment & Retention; Post-Covid Talent Attraction; Workforce Housing; Entrepreneurship; Business Friendly Programs, Marketing and collateral materials; Strategic Partnerships; Parking and Multi-Modal Management.
Management of Public Private Redevelopment Process for local governments (e.g., community meetings, goal setting, RFP drafting, vetting of respondents, negotiations and implementation); Joint Venture Initiatives with Universities, Health Care, and Cultural Uses; Community Benefit projects; Real Estate Acquisitions and Adaptive Re-Use.
Downtown Activations (permanent and temporary) and Special Events; Art In Public Places and Cultural Development; Community Benefit Ordinances; Open Space and Parks Planning; Tourism and History; ongoing Wellness offerings and amenities; Family, Age and Pet-Friendly Programs; ADA and Inclusion, Community Branding & Marketing.
Best Practice Policing; Operational Audits & Policy Reviews; Contract Negotiations; Workforce Training; Public Safety Staffing Studies; Use of Technology & Analytical Tools; Cyber Security Protocols; Emergency Management Reviews; Threat Assessments for Public Events; School Safety; Recruitment and Selection.
Leveraging Capital Plans to Achieve City-Wide Goals; Permitting Work Process Flows and Process Improvement; Capital Improvement and Project Management; Assessment Districts (Sidewalks, Paving, Lighting, "Clean and Safe"); Environmental Plans (SolSmart, Star Community Ratings); Impact Fees; Safe Routes to Schools.
Creating Purposeful Vision and Strategic Planning; Shaping Values and Culture within the Organization; Empowering Residents as Advocates and Partners; Maximizing Leader and Employee Performance; Implementing and Sustaining Change; Measuring What Matters- Reflecting Key Priorities; Recruitment and Retention.