Improving workflow should be the goal of every organization. We analyze organizational workflows, processes, and staffing to help optimize all service levels within the organization while enhancing the customer experience. New revenues, area cost comparisons, enhanced trainings, integration of user-friendly technologies and improved efficiencies are also examined in our evaluation process. Together, we can create more streamlined processes and increase coordination, accuracy and satisfaction.
Every successful organization plans for the future. We have proven experience in establishing and monitoring Capital Improvement Plans and outlining working blueprints for sustaining and improving a community’s infrastructure. We help you implement your capital initiatives while meeting your desired quality, timeframe and budget. We also help you tie these improvements to your community strategic and comprehensive plans while responsibly working within your budgets and funding capacity.
A shortage of time, staff, and expertise often prompt a delay in mission-critical projects. Let us help you bring these projects to fruition with our technical experience in planning, monitoring and completing projects that fulfill your goals. Whether developing and managing RFPs/RFQs for projects and services, researching and implementing special programs like annexations, red light camera, graffiti removal, traffic calming, or enhancing community facilities, we can help you get work done and done right.
Important community projects or neighborhood-specific initiatives require sustainable funding to become reality. Assessment Districts and user fees often provide the proper financing mechanisms to fund and maintain improvements whether city-side or area-specific. We have specific expertise in establishing Assessment Districts and securing property owner approval for improvements that provide a direct and special benefit, such as streets, sidewalk, lighting, water, sewer, drainage, or flood control facilities.
Environmental concerns and challenges are motivating communities to act. Some of the programs we have administered include SolSmart and Star Community Rating Program which recognize cities for their work in improving their sustainability efforts. SolSmart makes it faster, easier and more affordable to go solar while Star Community Rating assesses a community’s strengths, vulnerabilities and resiliency strategies. These programs take time to learn and administer, we have the knowledge and capability to get it done.
New developments bring investment to communities but they also bring increased demands on community infrastructure and services. Developer Impact Fees place the cost of the increased services and infrastructure demands on the new development. We have experience in developing criteria for equitable and defensible impact fee plans for infrastructure, roadways, and services to ensure a development’s community impacts are identified and funded by the new developments causing the increase.